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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can result for numerous types of trauma survivors including combat war veterans, victims of terrorist attacks, accident victims, domestic violence victims, survivors of childhood incest and sexual abuse, rape and sexual assault victims, and victims of other types of violent and/or intimidating crimes such as property theft, assault, kidnapping, or home invasions.  In addition to those who actually are victims of the trauma, witnessing a traumatic event can also produce the symptoms of PTSD.  Clients with PTSD may have experienced reactions of intense fear, helplessness, or horror to the traumatic event.  In PTSD, these emotions either continue, or re-surface at a later time, in the form of flashbacks, recurring dreams or nightmares, and/or intense psychological and physical reactions to triggers that symbolize the trauma.

Some clients may attempt to avoid thinking, feeling, or talking about the event or may want to avoid people, places, or things that remind them of the event.  They may repress memories of the entire event or be unable to recall certain aspects.  Additional symptoms may include problems sleeping, anger and rage issues, difficulty concentrating, and hyper-sensitivity.  

At Veritas Counseling Center, the therapist has worked with both adolescent and adult survivors of numerous types of trauma who were experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder.   Depending on the individual case dynamics, treatment may be brief (as is often the case with victims of recent crimes where the trauma was an isolated incident, for instance) or longer term (such as in cases of multiple traumatic childhood physical or sexual abuse that occurred over a number of years).  Clients being treated for PTSD may be seen individually, or involved in family, couples', or group therapy as appropriate to the specific circumstances.  Partners and other family members of the client with PTSD are also treated when appropriate to help them in dealing with the client's symptoms when they occur.  When appropriate, adjunct Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is also available. 

Beginning in June of 2014, in cooperation with Horse Lovers Park in Phoenix, Arizona, a special Equine Assisted Healing Program will be offered for veterans and their families. Find out more and sign up to participate.   

The therapist at Veritas Counseling Center is also an author and offers free stress management tips that may be helpful for people suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder.  For this month's tips visit









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Veritas Counseling Center, LLC

3240 E. Union Hills Dr., Suite 123

Phoenix, Arizona  85050

(602) 863-3939